Sudbury Therapeutic Riding Program

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Welcome to Sudbury Therapeutic Riding Program

We are proud to offer a specialized form of horseback riding to people with physical and/or developmental disabilities.

For updates on our program and our COVID-19 response please Click Here: Facebook/STRP

Please help support the Sudbury Therapeutic Riding Program through Canada Helps

All donations will help support our horses so we can continue our program once it is safe to do so.


The Sudbury Therapeutic Riding Program has been operating in Sudbury since 1986.




To drop us a line or for more information please use the phone number or email address included in the right-hand frame.  We look forward to hearing from you. 




See Diablo's Journey


A Big Thank You to Everyone Who Supported Diablo !


And remember


 "There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a person" 

Winston Churchill







Home | Location

Sudbury Therapeutic Riding Program

Mailing Address: PO Box 2212, Station A
  Sudbury ON
  P3A 4S1
Contact: Ph 705-560-7877




2011 Sudbury Therapeutic Riding Program